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This year has been an excellent year for the ABCT Student SIG! Check out all of the awesome things we’ve been able to do, thanks to your support:

We expanded our Executive Board Team, adding a Communications Manager, Treasurer, Technology Manager, Newsletter Manager, AND Opportunities Manager to better support our SIG’s missions.

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We hosted the first annual Student Research Symposium. This symposium was a labor of love from our two co-chairs, Grace Hart and Rebecca Mendoza.  The goals of the symposium were to showcase the excellent and innovative undergraduate, post-bacc, and graduate student research being generated within the field and provide a safe and inclusive place for students to network and make lifelong professional and personal connections.

We also hosted a free and virtual webinar on applying for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). We are grateful for our amazing panel, who helped provide information on this prestigious grant, how to navigate the application process, and how to craft a winning application.  

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At the 57th Annual ABCT Convention, we hosted a Student SIG Poster Session. We had tons of wonderful applications and were able to accept and host several amazing posters.

Thanks to the generosity of our members and of ABCT, we were also able to support two amazing submissions, the Best Student SIG Expo Poster Award and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award. 


We also were able to host a Special Session at the 57th Annual ABCT Convention, entitled, “Graduate School: What You Really Need to Know.” We once again are grateful to our amazing panel, who took the time out of their busy conference schedules to help demystify the “hidden curriculum” of graduate school.

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We hosted a Student SIG Social Hour during the 57th Annual ABCT Convention, allowing for an evening of peer networking and mutual science excitement! 

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Last - but not least - we are so proud to announce that were are hosting the second annual Student Research Symposium, with support from APA's Division 37!

Click here to learn more and submit!

We cannot wait to continue to grow and expand over the next year. We are grateful for the opportunity to connect and support the next generation of behavioral and cognitive therapists and researchers! If you’re interested in helping support the ABCT Student SIG's mission, consider donating here

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