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58th Annual Convention

The 58th Annual ABCT Convention will be held in Philadelphia, PA from November 14-17, 2024. More information can be found here. Please note that this year the convention will be hosted across two hotels: the Loews Philadelphia Hotel and the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown.

See below for the Student SIG's 2024 offerings!


Student SIG 2024 Poster Expo

The Student SIG is pleased to accept poster abstracts from undergraduate, post-bacc, and graduate student presenters for the 2024 ABCT SIG Poster Exposition.


You neither need to be a member of ABCT or the Student SIG to submit an abstract, and membership status will not impact chances of acceptance. 


Please submit your 500 word abstract via the form below by August 4, 2024 11:59PM ET.


Two awards will be available through our SIG: the Best Student Special Interest Group Presentation Award and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award.

The Best Student Special Interest Group Presentation Award acknowledges outstanding student research presented at ABCT’s annual poster expo.

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award acknowledges outstanding student research devoted to the advancement diversity, equity, and inclusion.

These awards will include a certificate from our SIG and will be presented at our SIG meeting at the ABCT Convention.

Review criteria and the submission form are below.


Would you be willing to serve as an abstract reviewer?

We are seeking individuals currently enrolled in doctoral programs and beyond to review abstracts for our presence at the SIG Poster Expo. If you would be willing to serve in this capacity, please complete the form at the below button.

Special session -
"Graduate school: what you really need to know"

Back for its second year, this panel session at the annual ABCT Convention will provide an opportunity for undergraduates, post-baccalaureates, and early-stage graduate students to learn about what graduate school is really like and how to make the most of it from the perspective those "in the thick of it." Our panel consists of a group of graduate students diverse in identities, program areas, geographic locations, and research activity. Following a moderated discussion, attendees will have the opportunity to ask panelists questions about their experiences. Meet our amazing panelists below!


Colin Tidwell (he/him) is a 4th year PhD candidate at the University of Arizona. His research, clinical work, and scholarly activism centers marginalized groups, with a specific focus on queer and trans folx. In his clinical work, Colin uses an empirically driven, integrative treatment approach informed by a community-supported understanding of social justice. His research investigates novel approaches to studying the LGBTQ+ community using ambulatory assessment methods.

Andrea Wiglesworth (she/her; Seneca-Cayuga and Shawnee) is a 6th-year PhD candidate in the Clinical Science and Psychopathology Research Program at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, currently completing her pre-doctoral internship. She researches suicide risk and resilience in adolescence, centering on biological stress mechanisms and developmental processes. Her work also attends to the unique experiences and contexts that shape risk and resilience trajectories among Native American young people. She is dedicated to making psychology more equitable, as reflected in her mentorship and field-service activities.

Brianna A. Baker (she/her/hers) is a fifth-year doctoral candidate in the Counseling Psychology Ph.D. program at Columbia University and a predoctoral fellow at Yale University School of Medicine finishing her last year of training. Her research interests broadly include sociopolitical determinants of mental health, positive Black family and youth development, and ameliorating sociohistorical racial trauma through community-focused program development. She is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Research Scholar and an American Psychological Association Predoctoral Minority Fellow. She hopes to mesh her passions for communications, public health, and psychology to bring African American mental health to the forefront of America’s social, moral, and political agendas.

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Yexinyu “Yolanda” Yang (she/her) is a fourth-year PhD candidate in Clinical Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research primarily focuses on bridging the efficacy-effectiveness gap in evidence-based treatments, leveraging technology and statistical tools to enhance the personalization and effectiveness of mental health interventions for families and children. Grounded in a cultural humility lens, she approaches both clinical practice and teaching with a steadfast commitment to listening, understanding, and respecting diverse perspectives. As an international student from China, Yolanda is dedicated to promoting equity in psychology and higher education braoadly through active engagement in mentorship and service initiatives aimed at dismantling elitism and fostering inclusivity.

Joseph Harrison, MS is a fifth year PsyD candidate in the PsyD in Clinical Psychology program at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and current psychology intern at the University of Pennsylvania. He is passionate about health psychology, integrated behavioral health, and increasing access to evidence-based mental health services for historically marginalized communities. He is also interested in the use of digital mental health tools to augment evidence-based treatments and is enthusiastic about collaborating on programs that address population mental health and enhance health behaviors in the community. His dissertation research is evaluating the predictors of mental health services use in a large integrated primary care system in an academic medical center in Philadelphia, PA. In his personal life, he enjoys spending time with his partner and two cattle dogs. You can find him regularly visiting one of the myriad coffee shops in the Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia and dropping in for a class at Novem Community Fitness.

Annual SIG Meeting: Sunday morning talks & coffee

Conclude your convention experience with engaging presentations by the authors of the highest-rated abstracts submitted for the SIG's poster expo, accompanied by a complimentary light breakfast!


Speaker: Sofie Glatt, B.A.

@SofieGlatt (twitter/X)

Talk: How do Suicidal and Non-Suicidal Individuals Describe their Futures? A Pilot Sentiment Analysis

Abstract - Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are major public health concern. Despite the importance of future-orientation and cognition to leading theories of suicide, little research explores how suicidal individuals perceive their futures. The limited research in this area suggest that suicidal individuals have difficulty imagining future events and see their futures bleakly, but this work often relies on standardized assessments limited by lack of sensitivity to experiences and restricted range of responses (e.g., ‘how hopeful are you about your future? [1-6]’). To overcome these limitations, we used natural language processing (NLP) to explore how suicidal individuals verbally describe their future selves. We hypothesized that suicidal individuals would use less positive sentiment then non-suicidal individuals and see their future selves more negatively.


Bio - Sofie Glatt is a Clinical Research Coordinator at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center and a Lab Manager at the Eating Anxiety Treatment (EAT) Lab at the University of Louisville. She received a BA in Psychology from Touro University in 2022. Sofie is interested in understanding and predicting self-injurious thoughts and behaviors (e.g., suicide, eating disorders) by using real-time monitoring technologies and idiographic methods, with the goals of developing personalized interventions and informing formal models. Sofie plans to pursue a PhD in Clinical Psychology and will be applying to programs this fall.


Sofie is the winner of this year's Best Student Special Interest Group Presentation Award.


Speaker: Melanie DelAngelo, B.S.

@MDelangelo9781 (twitter/X)


Talk: Motivation for Intensive Treatment Among Patients with OCD and Comorbid Mood Disorders


Abstract:  Mood Disorders are among the most common comorbidities of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD; Sharma et al., 2021), yet little is known about how they affect motivation for OCD treatment. Motivation for treatment is widely recognized as a predictor of overall therapeutic outcomes (e.g., Westermann et al., 2019). Because motivation deficits often characterize mood disorders (Salamone et al., 2015), it is important to understand how comorbid mood disorders impact a patient’s approach and receptivity to treatment. To assess this relationship, the present study compared different dimensions of patient motivation for treatment across OCD patients with and without comorbid mood disorders. According to Self- Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985), motivation spans a continuum from autonomous (regulated by internal factors) to controlled (regulated by external factors). We hypothesized patients with comorbid mood disorders would endorse higher amotivation and controlled motivation (i.e. introjected and external), and lower autonomous motivation (i.e., integrated, intrinsic, and identified).


Bio: Melanie graduated from Tulane University in 2022 with a B.S. in Psychology and is currently working as a Clinical Research Assistant at the OCD Institute’s Office of Clinical Assessment and Research at McLean Hospital. Melanie’s research interests are in the development, maintenance, and treatment of anxiety, OCD, and related conditions; she is also passionate about reducing stigma toward mental illness and its treatment. In her free time Melanie loves to do yoga and listen to music.

Past Conventions


57th Annual Convention 

The 57th Annual ABCT Convention will be held at the Hyatt Regency Seattle November 16-19, 2023. Information about the general convention can be found here

Students are encouraged to take advantage of ABCT's limited, special student rate for hotel accommodation

See below for the Student SIG's 2023 convention offerings!

Student SIG 2023 Poster Expo

The Student SIG is pleased to accept poster abstracts from undergraduate, post-bacc, and graduate student presenters. You neither need to be a member of ABCT or the Student SIG to submit an abstract, and membership status will not impact chances of acceptance. 


Please submit your 500 word abstract via the form below by August 7, 2023 11:59PM ET.


Two awards will be available through our SIG: the Best Student SIG Expo Poster Award and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award.

The Best Student SIG Expo Poster Award acknowledges outstanding student research presented at ABCT’s annual poster expo.

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award acknowledges outstanding student research devoted to the advancement diversity, equity, and inclusion.

These awards will include a certificate from our SIG and will be presented at our SIG meeting at the ABCT Convention.

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How do we rate submissions?

The Student SIG is committed to demystifying the process of poster selection. To that end, we are making public our rubric for grading posters at the button below. Posters will be rated on the criteria outlined in this rubric by the Student SIG co-chairs. It is requested that all identifying information is excluded from the abstract document to make possible a fair and blind review process.

Special Session: "Graduate School: What You Really Need to Know"

This panel session at the annual ABCT Convention will provide an opportunity for undergraduates, post-baccalaureates, and early-stage graduate students to learn about what graduate school is really like and how to make the most of it from the perspective of a diverse group of graduate students. Our panel consists of a group of graduate students diverse in identities, program areas, geographic locations, and research activity. Following a moderated discussion, attendees will have the opportunity to ask panelists questions about their experiences. Meet our amazing panelists below!

Annual SIG Meeting

The Student SIG's annual meeting will occur in-person at the 57th ABCT Convention. 

More information will be available soon!

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